Conservation at Brownsea Island

Conservation at Brownsea Island

Brownsea Island once again played host to an intrepid band of Level 2 Blue Skies students, this time from Glenmoor and Winton Academies. After crossing Poole Harbour by ferry, the students walked across the Island to the home of Scout and Guiding started by Baden Powell. Following a talk by Catherine, one of the rangers on the Island, the students got straight to work collecting and sawing firewood for the biomass boiler. Even the students surprised themselves with their talents for sawing large logs.

After lunch, the team was split in two and leaders selected before being challenged to build a den large enough to house the team, a fire place that would prevent fire spreading and a place to hold a pot on the fire that would withstand weight. Both teams rose to the challenge and enjoyed setting camp.

Alfie, aged 14 said “I have surprised myself with the skills that I have.”

It was a fantastic experience and the students enjoyed being amongst such beautiful and unspoilt scenery, as well as testing their new found leadership skills.