Our impact

For over ten years, we have monitored the effectiveness of our programmes in empowering young people to re-engage with education, fulfil their potential in school, and progress into meaningful employment.

Since 2020, we have also partnered with The University of Northampton’s Institute for Social Innovation and Impact who have undertaken a robust evaluation of the impact of our programmes.

Our programmes

Key facts 

Many of the young people we support face barriers to learning which can range from significant life challenges, to lacking in confidence or missing out on good role models. Mainstream education isn’t always tailored to addressing the underlying issues that create obstacles to their progression.

Evaluation findings

University of Northampton Institute for Social Innovation and Impact:

“Many of the young people JET supports lack confidence or are underachieving due to disadvantage or inequality. JET’s programmes are highly effective at empowering young people to re-engage with education and develop the skills, self-belief and resilience needed to achieve positive training and career outcomes.”

Positive outcomes for JET students: 

UN Sustainable Development Goals

“The quantitative and qualitative findings illustrate the effectiveness of JET programmes in helping young people to pursue their goals and dreams. Therefore, the programmes delivered by JET play a role in promoting the United Nations Sustainability Development Goals for:


University of Northampton Institute for Social Innovation and Impact


Our methodology

Our Blue Skies methodology puts young people at the heart of their own journey of change. Blue Skies focuses on developing core competencies in six key areas, to enable students to develop self-belief, identify career and life goals, and have the knowledge, skills and attitude to achieve them.

The six core competency through which our students are continuously monitored, are:


Learn more about Blue Skies


JET Theory of Change

Low aspiration does not equal low ability

“Over the last ten years, we have developed a methodology that works. We provide a bridge which links young people from deprived areas to local reservoirs of opportunity and resource in order to overcome the life challenges that have led to them disengage at school.

“Our youth liaison officers build trust and tailor interventions and opportunities to individual needs. Our partners, including over 40 RAF stations and businesses, provide access to resources, life-changing experiences and key content for our programmes. The impact of these unique opportunities, plugged into JET’s long-term tailored programmes, adds up to being considerably greater than the sum of their parts.

“Our work is preventative. We have shown time and time again that it is possible to engage students from their low point of educational disengagement (c. age 10 – 13) to a high point of employment readiness (c. age 16). We strongly believe that if you work with a young person early enough, and over a sustained period, you can stop them falling out of education and at worst becoming a young offender. What you need is great individuals to work alongside them, and great opportunities to inspire them.”

Dr Emma Egging, CEO, 2021.