Piecing together the past

Piecing together the past

On Friday Ferndown Middle School Level 1 students had a fascinating day piecing together the bones of history.

David Ashby an Archaeology, Geography and Forensics Technician at Winchester University Archaeology Department and his team introduced the students to the world of archaeology and how the past is researched and understood. Students were then challenged in teams to put together a Medieval skeleton. Students worked well together to use a model skeleton to help them work out which bones go where. Students then had to work out the sex of the skeleton, as well as the height, and possible age. It was wonderful to see the teamwork and collaboration of students and staff to deepen their understanding.

In the afternoon, students were given a large variety of artefacts and had to work together to try and identify them, date and understand what they tell us about the past. Through communication and comparison, students worked together and helped increase their understanding of the past.

Many thanks to David and his colleagues for sharing such a fascinating time with us.