

“Before I came on the Blue Skies trip I was really naughty I always bunked lessons and I had no patience. I also hated working as a team because I had to trust people. But doing Blue Skies has helped me a lot with my confidence. I stood in front of a camera and did a weather report, I would have never have done that without this programme. On the first session I did not want to go because I thought it was going to be really boring but it turns out it isn’t, it is the complete opposite to what I thought it would be. I am so grateful for this experience and I hope that this Trust goes on to help other people with similar issues to what I have experienced. I really enjoyed this experience because it helps me a lot with a lot of everyday tasks e.g. speaking in-front of people, working as a team, trusting people, making new friends also it gives me the confidence to do things that are WAY out of my comfort zone. I really regret not taking part in the first session. Another reason I am extremely grateful for this experience is that I have met a lot of nice people along the way. I think that if I could go back I would participate in the first session.

“I hope that the Jon Egging Trust goes on and lots more people can enjoy the experience that I have. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity and I am glad I am taking part in it.”