Building confidence and teamwork at RAF Valley

Building confidence and teamwork at RAF Valley

On 1st November our Blue Skies Level 1 students had a fantastic day at RAF Valley, focussing on building the students’ confidence and teamwork.

Cpl Ben Wharton from the Regiment section delivered a fun, but testing session, based upon Drill. The students learnt how to stand at ease, to attention, march and turn. They soon realised that working as a team was vital and listening to instructions was essential too. The students were challenged to negotiate a maze set out in the gymnasium blindfolded. The blindfolded student had to trust their partner implicitly that they would communicate clear instructions and be responsible for their welfare. It was a great session where the students’ confidence grew, plus demonstrating many aspects of teamwork such as verbal and non-verbal communication, leadership, clarification and trust.


In the afternoon, Cpl Wharton and Heather Madden delivered First Aid sessions. The students learnt about CPR and how to use a defibrillator, as well as tying a sling, dealing with bruises and burns and bandaging wounds. The students really enjoyed the interactive sessions and have benefitted from learning these essential life skills. Thank you Ben and Heather.


Commenting after the session, Rosa, 13 said “When we were blindfolded, I trusted Chloe to guide me. I also got pride from marching and learning how to march. Being with the Jon Egging Trust is fun.”

Nick, 13 said “Me and Kyle completed the blindfolded course efficiently and without fail. This was because of good communication skills between me and him. I needed to have good listening skills when I was blindfolded.”

Atia, also 13 said “I demonstrated respect when I was listening to other people’s opinions with the CPR session. I enjoyed learning new skills.”